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A Real Look at the Digital Nomad Trend: Is It Too Good to Be True?
Image Source: Pixabay
Digital nomads are all over social media these days. Many people may find themselves dreaming of sitting on a beach with a laptop, like all those surreal images on Instagram, but is it really all it’s cracked up to be?
Forgoing the office chairs while travelling—swapping out an ergonomic computer chair for a café seat or a towel on the beach—may sound like the dream. However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.
What’s a Digital Nomad?
Digital nomads work wherever they want since they have location-independent jobs. Often, they work as freelancers producing apps, videos, or written content. While some digital nomads enjoy living in one place for a while, many travel the world to fully indulge in their freedom.
The Pros of a Nomadic Life
For anyone who enjoys travelling, being a digital nomad can be quite fun. They can travel and see new places while funding their lifestyle with remote work. It allows for more freedom, and if they travel to modestly-priced destinations, they can delight in a much more lavish lifestyle than they might enjoy at home.
The appeal of living nomadically is the ability to do whatever, whenever, and wherever. For many who are burnt out on the typical nine-to-five job, the thought of surfing in between seeing clients via Zoom seems like the dream. Living a life that they thoroughly enjoy and feel in control of is certainly appealing.
A nomadic lifestyle can be quite exciting. It allows for moving around the world as desired and can result in many new experiences. It’s also an opportunity to meet new people on a regular basis.
The Cons of a Nomadic Life
One of the biggest downsides of living this lifestyle is that there is no set home base. It can cause feelings of loneliness and solitude. There are several other downsides, though.
Poor WiFi: Not everywhere will have a good internet signal. If digital nomads rely on the internet for their business, it can be frustrating to search for a proper signal, and they may lose work due to this.
Indoor time: As appealing as those poolside and beach shots are, many people likely find themselves working in a hostel common room more often than not. Since they will need to work in order to fund their travels, it’s not always possible to run around and enjoy the local scenery.
Back problems: Spending hours in an internet café can wreak havoc on the back. After a certain age, most people fully appreciate having an ergonomic chair to sit in, and all those years of using benches and beaches as desk chairs will come back to haunt them.
Time differences: Need to meet clients at noon? Just what time that is for a digital nomad will depend on where they are in the world when it’s time for the meeting. This can cause some confusion and may be difficult to manage.
While a digital nomad lifestyle is enjoyable for some, it can also be tiring and frustrating at times.
How to Replicate a Digital Nomad Lifestyle at Home
Anyone with some freedom to skip the typical nine-to-five office scene may find that setting up a residential office is the best way to replicate a digital nomad lifestyle from home. For starters, it’s important to have a good, ergonomic computer chair so they can enjoy the experience and feel great at the end of the day.
While designing the home office, many people find it necessary to make their workspace more exciting. Creating different zones provides some variety for working, and they can invest in a quality ergonomic chair that can be moved from space to space. Alternatively, they can shop for several office chairs to have a comfortable, unique, and supportive place to sit in each zone. It’s also essential to ensure there’s a proper work surface to prevent problems with posture.
Choosing the right office chair is key to providing a high-quality work-at-home experience. Look for a chair that has an ergonomic design. Other things to consider include:
Padding: Proper cushioning on the seat is essential. While standing regularly is part of good workplace health, it’s also helpful to have a cushion that will prevent aches and pains from sitting too long.
Back support: An ergonomic chair will curve with the spine to provide maximum back support. This helps prevent pain from sitting too long in one position. Finding a chair that fits well or has adjustable support is important for long-term posture health.
Adjustability: Not everyone is comfortable at the same height, so an office chair that can be raised and lowered will ensure every user can find a comfortable position. It’s also useful to have an adjustable back to suit each person using the chair.
Rolling: For most people, the wheels on a computer chair are necessary. This allows the user to move between workspaces. It’s also easier to roll back, so it’s easier to stand up.
Using an ergonomic computer chair that fits the human anatomy—rather than sitting on the sofa or at the kitchen table—will reward the digital nomad or remote worker in the long run. Often, sitting in odd positions is the reason for backaches and other pains that may occur. It’s quite common for people to stay in the same position for too long, which can result in strained muscles.
The Toll of Good Posture
Whether or not someone chooses the digital nomad life, they need to be aware of the effects that poor posture can have on their body over time. As workers enjoy their freedom, they must not overlook the body’s basic physical needs. Be sure to invest in the right office chairs to protect your body today.